Minien Hattingh, born in South Africa, obtained her BA Fine Arts(hons) degree at the University of Pretoria. She predominantly works with performative photography, installation and drawing.
Her work explores the otherly and unusual, ranging from spirituality, social-consciousness, humour, entwined with an innocence. In the art-making process, she trusts her gut, it's neither as pragmatic as the brain, nor as romanticised as the heart.
She has had the opportunity to exhibit at numerous group shows and art fairs. The most notable include: Sasol New Signatures Competition Finalist (2014,2015,2017), Thami Mnyele Fine Arts Merit award for Multi and New Media (2015).
A defining moment in her career was her first solo exhibition entitled Invisible mother: infantilised child(2015)Longstreet Art Lovers Gallery, her second solo exhibition entitled CAGED/UNCAGED (2016), Daville Baillie Gallery and third The Language You Cry In(2017) Longstreet Art Lovers Gallery.
In April 2017 she had her first international exhibition exposure. She won Second prize in the Young Talents category of the La Quatriéme Image photography competition and had the opportunity to exhibit her work at the festival in Paris, for two consecutive weeks.